Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Portal 2 - Review: First Impressions

You want my first impression? "Oh wow this is awesome!" There you go. So anyway, I finally got to play Portal 2 and I decided that wow, this is hilarious, I must write a post about how awesome this is and how you guys should get it. But then I played the game for another few hours...

So the game starts out with you waking up in a relaxation chamber for some mandatory exercises that have to be done seemingly every 50 days, you look up, down, admire some artwork and some soothing classical music, and go back to sleep. You next wake up something like 999 days later, and get greeted by a hilarious robot eye (like the ones you murdered at the end of the last game). Hilarious stuff starts happening and it's funny, I'm not going to spoil anything, but I will say that you're very good at jumping.

So the building is collapsing and everything is ruined, you who supposedly should have brain damage after sleeping for so long then gets dumped into test chambers and have to solve puzzles yet again. I found the dialogue during this to be much funnier than any part of the last game and was actually laughing at some parts (I barely actually laugh out loud).

Eventually its all GLaDOS again and you have to do more testing, while being constantly reminded about how horrible it was that you murdered her in the last game.

The test chambers
Yet again the chambers start out pretty simple to remind you how stuff works, however it's due noting that the whole place is ruined and there's rubble everywhere, I also found it quite impressive when I crashed through a glass window. However, the chambers climb in difficulty nicely and soon enough I was doing some aerial portal placing and laser dodging, oh yes, lasers.

Some new elements so far


Lasers are pretty cool, they hurt you when you touch them and they usually need to be directed via portals, or refracting boxes into the laser receptor. This is more functional than the old energy ball because removing and replacing the laser beam will turn the switch on and off, instead of just being permanently on like the energy ball switches.

Jump platforms.
These platforms send you flying into the air. They usually aim right at another jump platform too so they end up chaining right along. Also GLaDOS likes using them as a means to call you fat.

New Elevators

These just look cool, nothing much special about them. Also there are some animations playing on the screens around them which often have something to do with the challenge in the next room.

Lights in weighted cubes
This isn't really anything special, but when you place a cube on a button the light changes colour. Another thing to note is that GLaDOS really likes destroying companion cubes in front of you.


X-ray portal vision
So there's also this, as you can see in the screenshot you can see an outline of wherever your portals are, through any structure. I can see this becoming somewhat useful but I don't really like the look of it.

Hard Light

Hard light is basically light, you can walk on. So you can send it through a portal too to make bridges or use them to block things such as turrets, it's pretty awesome and well used in the game.

Well I'm off to play more Portal 2
Because it's awesome. You probably should too, because it's a pretty good game. However, if you haven't played the first portal yet, I recommend you do so, because some of the jokes are way funnier if you have.

Edit: So I've gotten a long way into this game and I have to say.
1) Amazing plot.

2) To answer my question to the game about its length, it's not short.
3) The test chambers get considerably harder. 
4) There's more way awesomer new mechanics added to the game as you go.

Edit 2: So I've finished the game and.
1) Yes it was amazing
2) The boss fight was a bit easy :(
3) Time was around 6 hours (Actually don't quote me on that because I think steam stuffed up and didn't count the time for one play-through, so probably more like over 7-8 hours)
4) The test chambers get to a great level of difficulty where it's actually very satisfying finishing each level.
5) The new song, it's not as catchy as still alive was but it was still good. To start with I didn't really like it much, but then it grew on me, it's actually a very cute song.
6) Co-op is pretty good, I hope there's more test chambers than it seems there are though. 


  1. Hmm, I'm considering to play the first one. I can't remember what made me stop playing it... Maybe I should go and try again :)

  2. >GLaDOS calls you fat

    The only reason we killed her was we never got our cake she promised. And now she calls us fat? It's on...

    Glad you're enjoying the game. :D

  3. Haha Pawawa, that's a damn good point, I never thought of that ;D

  4. This looks amazing. I need to get it!

  5. i watched a stream of this earlier it looks really good!

  6. never tried, i'll check it out soon :)

  7. I'm deciding on if i should get it for PC or for the X-Box. on one hand, i'll have all the advantages on the PC, but on the other hand i'll be able to split the cost with the Xbox version.

  8. New for me, but I'll give it a try!

  9. So excited, I'm seeing billboards for this game everywhere

  10. oh god i have to get this ;_;

  11. I watched someone play it on campus today, and it looks a-freaking-mazing. if only i had money to spare

  12. Portal has been fcktastic so far

  13. I played it a bit today too. I'm glad it's longer than the first one. I really like it so far too.

  14. @adiaphoros I know I'd get PC but for this game I think there are actually some bonuses for getting it on console, mainly because of the co-op, and co-op with someone in the same room is good. I'd still get PC myself though.

  15. mmm quite a few people I know have been talking about this, maybe I should get it after all. btw, I used gg for Ao no Exorcist

  16. I'll get this game eventually, but right now Raidou Kuzunoha demands my attention!

  17. I liked the very short impression at the beginning.

  18. Great review. I'm already sure I'm going to buy Portal 2

  19. So jealous Claude - Want to play this so badly...


  20. damn i cannot wait to get this game, its gonna be so good!

  21. i have to play this now!

  22. It looks fun and I will eventually play it, probably whenever there is a price drop. It sounds like a great game, but I don't have the money to drop for just a 6 hour game.

  23. Thanks for the recent support! Keep up the good blogging! I completed portal 2 yesterday!

  24. short game, looks better than the first though

  25. This looks way cooler than the original, which I thought was pretty overrated.

  26. Looks pretty solid, I'm gonna try it out for sure

  27. great post! keep up the good work

  28. the first one was overrated, will prob rent it out before i buy. thanks like your blog following.

  29. Dunno, looks just as boring as number one.

  30. I´m buying it tomorrow.Not leaving my room in the next few days.

  31. Great post!!! I'll be sure to return :) Keep up the great work!

  32. Letting you know, I saw the best gamers review of Portal 2, and I think I might stay away now! They really hated it :(

  33. certainly heard plenty of good things about this game so might have to take a look and see how it is..

  34. Portal 2 looks pretty neat. I'll pick it up when I finish the 1st one

  35. you already finish it!! damn you´re a true player.

  36. Awesome Portal 2 is awesome! First one had me singing that damn ending song for weeks.
